How To Install Bundler On Ubuntu Linux
Installing dependencies. The first thing you must do is install the necessary dependencies. This will be done on all machines that will join the Kubernetes cluster. The first piece to be install is apt-transport-https (a package that allows using https as well as http in apt repository sources). Gem install bundler Now that Ruby is installed, let's install Rails. Install Rails. As the same user, install Rails with this command (you may specify a specific version with the -v option): gem install rails Whenever you install a new version of Ruby or a gem that provides commands, you should run the rehash sub-command. Here we explain how to install Ubuntu in the three different ways that it is most commonly installed: (1) from a USB drive, (2) in a virtual machine, (3) or running it from a USB drive without installing it. Download Ubuntu. For you first need to download a Ubuntu.ISO CD image file. In this example we install Ubuntu version 15.10.
How To Install Bundler On Ubuntu 14.04
every time i run bundle install on my rails app i get the following errors. could it be because i just changed my os from windows to linux(ubuntu)
i used bundle install
and my ruby version is ruby1.9.2 so also my gem file is
group :development dogem 'nifty-generators'end
bundler version is v-1.0.15rubygem-update 1.8.5
How To Install Ubuntu Iso
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migrated from stackoverflow.comJun 29 '11 at 4:36
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1 Answer
Remove the .gem
folder in your $HOME
folder will fix this.